Silver Bayonet: Ia Drang LZ X-Ray


Another in-depth replay, this time with a bit more activity, movement and combat spread over 2 turns. I've played this a couple of times already, once solo and once opposed. Both games saw FWA wins.

For this game, I'm writing out the turn sequence in detail to follow the action very closely. I'd like to see where the scenario balance (or imbalance) is located. I suspect it's very slightly tilted to the FWA, off the top of my head, 60/40 FWA favor.

Let's get started.

Turn 1 November 3, 1965

Situation at the beginning of the turn.

We have A/1/9 and a CIDG unit lodged in LZ-XRay. The PAVN means to dislodge them.

Initial Phase

1) Adjust FWA Air Points [11.0]

0 for Turn 1.

2) Remove "First" and "Final" Fire markers for BOTH sides.

Nothing to remove.

Recovery Phase

1) Recover Fatigue [2.7.6].

Nothing to do.

2) Replace HQs [12.4.2].

Nothing to do.

FWA Player Turn 1

First player's plans for this turn.

The FWA gets a free ambush on the PAVN unit in 1021, which concludes the FWA turn.

Reinforcement Phase

1) Place new units [15.2].

None this turn.

Movement Phase [4.0]

1) Move ground units.

No FWA movement this turn, the night ambush is taken as a "move there and back."

Combat Declaration Phase [6.1]

1) Declare all assault and maneuver combat by placing markers.

Assault combat on PAVN in 1021.

Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]


Combat Reaction Phase

1) Conduct Combat Refusal [6.2]

2) Conduct Defender Reaction [6.3].

Combat Coordination Phase

1) Attack Coordination [7.0] which may negate declared Maneuver Combat declarations [8.0]

Maneuver Combat Phase [8.3]

Nothing here this turn.

Assault Combat Phase [9.0]

1) Defender allocates and resolves air and/or artillery for Defensive Bombardment [10.2]


2) Defender rolls first on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and applies results immediately.

None per scenarion guidelines.

3) Attacker rolls on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and results.

FWA gets a -2 DRM per scenario guidelines. Roll 4 - 2 for 2 which is 1, PAVN takes a step loss.

4) If units on both sides remain, both sides roll against highest ER in their stack for Efficiency Check. A roll less than or equal to the ER passes the Efficiency Check.

Not used for initial FWA "night ambush."

5) Units passing their Efficiency Check may roll again on the Assault Combat Table. This roll is simultaneous, results are not applied until both sides (if possible) have rolled.

6) If Defender is eliminated, Assaulting units must advance.

PAVN Player Turn 1

Second player's plans for this turn.

PAVN will advance to LZ-XRay and assault the enemy.

Reinforcement Phase

1) Place new units [15.2].

B/8/66 comes in on hex 1021.

Movement Phase [4.0]

1) Move ground units.

A/8/66 moves to the south of XRay right across the river. B/8/66 moves across the river to northwest of XRay.

Combat Declaration Phase [6.1]

1) Declare all assault and maneuver combat by placing markers.

PAVN declares assault on XRay.

Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]


Combat Reaction Phase


Combat Coordination Phase

1) Attack Coordination [7.0] which may negate declared Maneuver Combat declarations [8.0]

PAVN is assumed coordinated by scenario rules.

Maneuver Combat Phase [8.3]

No maneuver combat this turn.

Assault Combat Phase [9.0]

1) Defender allocates and resolves air and/or artillery for Defensive Bombardment [10.2]


2) Defender rolls first on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and applies results immediately.

FWA rolls 10, no effect.

3) Attacker rolls on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and results.

PAVN rolls 3 on the 4-6 column, 1 step loss, taken from CIDG.

4) If units on both sides remain, both sides roll against highest ER in their stack for Efficiency Check. A roll less than or equal to the ER passes the Efficiency Check.

Both fail Efficiency Check.

5) Units passing their Efficiency Check may roll again on the Assault Combat Table. This roll is simultaneous, results are not applied until both sides (if possible) have rolled.

No second round of combat.

6) If Defender is eliminated, Assaulting units must advance.

Defender still in LZ.

Game Record Phase

1) Reset FWA Air Points counter to 0.

2) If last turn assess victory, otherwise advance Game Turn marker.

Turn 2, November 4, 1965

Situation at the beginning of the turn.

The FWA is still occupying LZ-XRay, and PAVN is still intent on dislodging them.

Initial Phase

1) Adjust FWA Air Points [11.0]

FWA get 9 Air Points this turn.

2) Remove "First" and "Final" Fire markers for BOTH sides.


Recovery Phase

1) Recover Fatigue [2.7.6].


2) Replace HQs [12.4.2].


FWA Player Turn 2

First player's plans for this turn.

Hold tight and bomb the crap out of PAVN.

Reinforcement Phase

1) Place new units [15.2].

A/1/8 comes in on a Hot LZ, rolls 4 to pass Efficiency Check.

Movement Phase [4.0]

1) Move ground units.

FWA isn't going to move.

Combat Declaration Phase [6.1]

1) Declare all assault and maneuver combat by placing markers.

FWA plays defense.

Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]

FWA plays defense, will bombard during defensive bombardment.

1) Declare Bombardment using air points or artillery.

2) Declare and resolve ADF [14.0].

3) Resolve Bombardment.

Combat Reaction Phase

1) Conduct Combat Refusal [6.2]

Nothing for either.

2) Conduct Defender Reaction [6.3].

Combat Coordination Phase

1) Attack Coordination [7.0] which may negate declared Maneuver Combat declarations [8.0]


Maneuver Combat Phase [8.3]


Assault Combat Phase [9.0]


PAVN Player Turn 2

Second player's plans for this turn.

PAVN continues to assault, but now needs a lot more firepower to actually dislodge the FWA.

Reinforcement Phase

1) Place new units [15.2].

More of 8/66 enters the fray, including the mortar unit.

Movement Phase [4.0]

1) Move ground units.

8/66 moves to surround LZ-XRay on 3 sides. This will provide a handy -1 DRM during Assault Combat.

Combat Declaration Phase [6.1]

1) Declare all assault and maneuver combat by placing markers.

Assault combat against LZ-Xray.

Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]

1) Declare Bombardment using air points or artillery.

Mortar attack on LZ-Xray.

2) Declare and resolve ADF [14.0].


3) Resolve Bombardment.

Roll 1 for 2F, great result for PAVN!

FWA takes a step loss and fatigues a A/1/9.

Combat Reaction Phase


Combat Coordination Phase

1) Attack Coordination [7.0] which may negate declared Maneuver Combat declarations [8.0]

PAVN is coordinated by scenario rules.

Maneuver Combat Phase [8.3]


Assault Combat Phase [9.0]

1) Defender allocates and resolves air and/or artillery for Defensive Bombardment [10.2]

FWA applies all 9 Air Points to defensive bombardment. ADF from PAVN roll 1, roll 1 again(!) for 4* damage on the Air Points. FWA rolls 7 on 3-5 column for 1, which is no effect.

2) Defender rolls first on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and applies results immediately.

FWA rolls 10 with assault strength 3, no effect.

3) Attacker rolls on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and results.

PAVN assaults with 12, roll 1 - 1 (more than 2 hexes attacking) + 1 (Light Jungle Terrain Effect) net 1 for 2, bad result for FWA!

4) If units on both sides remain, both sides roll against highest ER in their stack for Efficiency Check. A roll less than or equal to the ER passes the Efficiency Check.

Both fail EC.

5) Units passing their Efficiency Check may roll again on the Assault Combat Table. This roll is simultaneous, results are not applied until both sides (if possible) have rolled.

No second round.

6) If Defender is eliminated, Assaulting units must advance.

Defender still occupying PZ-XRay.

Game Record Phase

1) Reset FWA Air Points counter to 0. 2) If last turn assess victory, otherwise advance Game Turn marker.

FWA has lost 4 steps, PAVN 1 step.



  • FWA: 1 + 3 (LZ-XRay)
  • PAVN: 4

So it's a draw.


  1. Can PAVN attempt combat refusal on the first turn in Scenario 3?
  2. Can Fatigue be applied to the same unit which takes a step loss?
