DAK 2 - Operation Compass


DAK 2. A monster's monster.

I'm naturally drawn to extreme phenomenon, so huge, sprawling wargames is a natural fit for my personality.

DAK2 has the distinction of having the most series-specific rules of all OCS games. This is likely a consequence of the theater.

Some notes before getting started:

  • Training: The Compass scenario puts 6 Aus in Training Box #1 and 2 NZ in Green, Locked. Training Rules are Section 5.5d in Vol. I of the playbook. Unlocked units in Training advance at the first turn of each month. Locked units do not advance until indicated by the scenario or appearance rules. In Operation Compass, both 6 Aus and 2 NZ will stay in Training mode as the scenario doesn't extend into a new month. Units subject to Training will have a double cirle of green and white around their morale factor.

  • On Map Airfields: Section 5.0i in the OCS 3.0 rules, Section 5.2 in the OCS 4.1a rules. For DAK II, no new airstrips can be built. Presumably, existing airstrips could be upgraded spending the appropriate SP with an engineering capable unit.

  • Truck Points: In short, there aren't many. It seems absurd, but there really are Truck counters with 1T, 3T, etc. That's not a whole of beans and bullets to move at once.

  • Leaders: Leaders are covered in Section 3.10 of the DAK Playbook Vol. I. Leaders have various properties, some of which are shared with Kampfgruppen and Raggruppementos, but will be listed separately for each:
    • Cannot be DG, but Reactive Rolls cannot be made for DG units.
    • Unaffected by Supply.
    • Never need fuel.
    • Never suffer attrition.
    • Have no step or RE size.
    • Cannot "hide" the top unit in a stack.
    • Can be lost, but never rebuilt.
    • Reactive Rolls allow functioning in a phase similar to how Reserve or Exploitation status works.

    See rules for Leader-specific actions such as Leader Loss Roles, Wounded, Captured, etc.

  • Kampfgruppen and Raggruppamentos: As above for leaders,
    • Cannot be DG, but Reactive Rolls cannot be made for DG units.
    • Unaffected by Supply.
    • Never need fuel.
    • Never suffer attrition.
    • Have no step or RE size.
    • Cannot "hide" the top unit in a stack.
    • Can be lost, but never rebuilt.
    • Reactive Rolls allow functioning in a phase similar to how Reserve or Exploitation status works.
    • Specific to KG and Ragg, each must have at least one unit of the same nationality, and the action rating must be chosen from a unit with the same nationality as the KG or Ragg.

See rules for more details on stacking, fueling, etc.

Let's get started.

Turn 1, December 8, 1940

Briefly summarize the upcoming turn for both sides.

Allies have initiative.

For the Allies, the goal is figuring out the fastest way to surround the entrenched Italians and attrit them out of supply.

The Italians need to figure out how to prevent that.

Pre-Turn Phase

  • Weather determination (2.3, probably on map)
  • First player determination, roll d6 highest has initiative, reroll for tie (2.3).

Clear weather, everyone can fly.

By scenario, Commonwealth has initiative.

Allies Turn

Brief summary of Allies goal this turn.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.


  1. Breakout segment
  2. Movement segment
  3. Air/Naval Barrage segment

First order is fueling:

  • 7 Armor, fully fueled, 1 SP.
  • 4 Ind, fully fueled, 1 SP

Here's the result of the CW movement phase:

End of Turn 1 CW movement

CW gets one 8 point naval barrage on any coastal hex this turn, which is taken against Maktila. Roll 3, no effect.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

For the CW troops, it looks like everyone is in Trace Supply except for Jock Campbell. Checking for attrition, roll 4 on 2 die, pass the attrition roll, lucky.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves, etc.
  2. Non-phasing player barrage

LibOp barrages with 11 from Sidi al Barrani to the stack of 3 CW troops just east of Maktila. Roll snake eyes, no effect.

That's all the Italians want to do for now.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery (no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

Major attack against 21 It. which is in a hedgehog, but the CW has morale advantage. Roll 11 for 12 with +2 morale -1 hedgehog for Ao1DL1o1. CW takes the loss, Italians take a step and retreat. They're in a bad way here as they're about to get surrounded and cut off.

Exploitation phase

  1. Movement segment
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

No exploitation on this turn.

Allies clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Axis player.

Fueled markers flipped.

Axis Turn

Brief summary of Axis goal this turn.

The Italians are in a world of hurt as the CW can simply put a bunch of their units out of supply and let them attrit away. The Italians may need to make some desperate breakouts to prevent the CW from flanking. This is going to be hard with CW units already perched along some of the supply routes.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

No need to refit any aircraft.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

No reinforcements for Italians in this scenario.


  1. Breakout segment (12.8e) Check trace to friendly units in supply.


  1. Movement segment (6.0): 1/2 for DG (5.10), 1/4 for Reserve (5.7)

Now for the meat of this game: the Italians need to move to stay in supply, but also to stay in Egypt.

  • 21 Corps moves west to engage Jock Campbell and attempt to stay in trace supply. This evolution required moving off the hedgehogs to provide ZPC negation to get the 2T in to let the HQ and the motorized unit to move. So while Jock didn't do a whole lot, he did make supply for the Italians just a little more difficult. And may still have them cut off from trace.

LibOp and Maletti move units forward, including some units which will attempt to reduce Selby on the off chance of destroying the 3 SPs sitting on the beach (hex 41.10) west of Mersa Matruh.

Babini moved way up at the expense of spending 3T to fuel up.

  1. Air/Naval Barrage segment (10.2, 10.3)

No air this turn, will do some air in a later turn.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

Axis is all in Trace.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves (5.7), destroy dumps (12.11).
  2. Non-phasing player barrage (all types, 10.0) and transport.

CW at 41.15 on the coast will barrage Sidi el Barrani for 5 points costing 2T pulled from Mersa Matruh. This is pretty low odds, but it doesn't cost anything and is worth the supply to attempt it. Roll 8 for no effect.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery barrage (10.1, no Air/Naval)
  • Sidi el Barrani fires back: roll 6 no effect.

That's all for barrage.

  1. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

Two combats:

  1. Against 41.15, raw odds 18:6 with -2 AR on attacker, roll 4 for defender surprise, shift 1L for modified 2:1 in the clear. Roll 4
    • 2 (ow) for 2 which is super unlucky AL2. Of all rolls the Italians could get, they can't even roll well.
  2. Against Jock Cambell, who is out of supply, we have raw odds 8:3 (Italians are step). Jock is half-strength due to out of trace, so the odds shift to 8:1.5, or 16:3. Jock spends internal stocks to prevent reducing the odds even further. Roll for surprise…roll 6 - 2 with for defender surprise with 6 shifts right for 1:2 attack. Shit. The Italians just aren't getting a break here. Italians rolled 5 - 2 for 3 on 1:2 in the clear, AL2. Dang. Both remaining steps are gone.

This went very poorly for the Italians.

Exploitation phase

Exploitation mode is defined in Section 5.9, with Exploition Phase details defined in Section 11.0.

  1. Movement segment (6.0), overruns cost 3 MP (8.1a, 8.1e prohibits Exploitation result).
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

No exploitation.

Axis clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Allied player.

Nothing to do here, the Italians just lost steps outright.

End of Turn 1

Well, the Brits took a big chance with Jock, and it paid off: they held 21 Corps despite being out of supply and fighting on internal stocks. Having both battles initiated by the Italians go so poorly for them, they might want to think about hunkering down a bit for a few turns.

Game Turn 2, December 12, 1940

Briefly summarize the upcoming turn for both sides.

The Commonwealth will be pressing its luck, and the Italians will be hunkering down.

Pre-Turn Phase

  • Weather determination (2.3, probably on map)

Weather is clear.

  • First player determination, roll d6 highest has initiative, reroll for tie (2.3).

CW has initiative.

Allies Turn

Brief summary of Allies' goal this turn.

The Commonwealth troops have 1 specific goal this turn, which is to get Jocko back into trace. Other than that, probably want to move some supplies up, and press the Italians supply lines, while remembering to keep the HQ within throw range.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

No aircraft this turn.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

2 SP at 39.03. I can see how this is going to be quite a trick to get the Italians out of Egypt. The supply needs to be rationed out quite carefully.


  1. Breakout segment (12.8e) Check trace to friendly units in supply.
  2. Movement segment (6.0): 1/2 for DG (5.10), 1/4 for Reserve (5.7)
  3. Air/Naval Barrage segment (10.2, 10.3)

CW more or less encircles 21 Corps. No need to fight at this point, should be able to attrit them away. Brought up more supplies from beach, really brutal crossing the wadi, 7 movement points each way.

Naval barrage on 41.16, roll 8 no effect, defender is 1 RE and in hedgehog for net 2 shifts left.

Passing on air barrage as I only have 5 barrage strength in air, and I don't want to spend it, too expensive, will wait until later in the game.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

Jock is back in supply, as is all other CW units.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves (5.7), destroy dumps (12.11).
  2. Non-phasing player barrage (all types, 10.0) and transport.

Italians decide to save their SPs for now. They will surely need them later.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery barrage (10.1, no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

CW passes on combat this turn.

Exploitation phase

Exploitation mode is defined in Section 5.9, with Exploition Phase details defined in Section 11.0.

  1. Movement segment (6.0), overruns cost 3 MP (8.1a, 8.1e prohibits Exploitation result).
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

Nothing to do.

Allies clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Allied player.

Nothing to do.

Axis Turn 2

Brief summary of Axis goal this turn.

In short, the Italians need to survive through this turn and bring up some supplies, and stay in trace. If that's all they do, that's probably enough. I think 21 Corps is going to have to fight it out of the trap they're, but I don't think they can attack if they end up being out of Trace. Will have to read those rules very carefully.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

Nothing here.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

2 SP at Bardia.


  1. Breakout segment
  2. Movement segment
  3. Air/Naval Barrage segment

Really don't want to spend any supply to move this turn. Let's see what's available in leg.

  • Decided that the Saharian should only have to pay +1 MP for crossing wadis, because, you know, camels.

  • Moved mostly leg units, including units formerly attached to 21 Corps, which cannot fuel itself. It's flipping to non-movement mode to get a defensive strength of 5. The associated legs slip through the lines.

Air, the Italians attempt to DG some CW mechanized which is threatening a forward supply dump. Roll 8 on the 8-11 column for barrage, DG two AR 5 CW mechanized. Good job Italians!


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

21 Corps (LibOp) is out of supply, as is Italian VEC and 63 MGs.

Attrition rolls:

  • 21 Corps: roll 9 on AR 1, all steps elminated. Bummer.
  • VEC and 63, roll SNAKE EYES!!! on AR 3, no steps lost. Woohoo!

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves, etc.
  2. Non-phasing player barrage

CW saves it's SPs and sits out this reaction phase.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery (no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

Italians choose not to fight this turn. Last turn was so unlucky!

Exploitation phase

  1. Movement segment
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

No exploitation.

Axis clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Axis player.

Nothing to do here.

End of Turn 2

The Italians have plenty of units, but their Action Ratings are all so lousy. They did get a lucky air strike on some 7th Armor, the 8 Hussars and 6 RTR are disorganized, spoiling their big plans for driving back Ragg. Brigata Corazzata. For the Italians, Ragg. BC is probably going to have to fight

Game Turn 3, December 15, 1940

Briefly summarize the upcoming turn for both sides.

The Italians get a double turn, and need to use this to bring up enough units to really slow down the CW advance into Libya. Having the MG units escape was a lucky break, now they get to tangle with 7 Armor.

The CW on the other hand, needs to balance the timeline versus it's ability to bring up enough supplies to smash the defending Italians.

Pre-Turn Phase

  • Weather determination (2.3, probably on map)
  • First player determination, roll d6 highest has initiative, reroll for tie (2.3).

Clear weather, Italians have the initiative.

Axis Turn 3

Brief summary of Axis goal this turn.

Main goals are stopping 7 Armor and 4 Indian. In the case of 7 Armor, this will be ground combat, with barrage attempt on 4 Indian.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

Refitting both tactical bombers, as they returned to different air strips to get refitted.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

2 SP in to Bardia.


  1. Breakout segment (12.8e) Check trace to friendly units in supply.

No breakout.

  1. Movement segment (6.0): 1/2 for DG (5.10), 1/4 for Reserve (5.7)

Move VEC and 63 MG up to engage 8 Hus and 6 RTR. These units will be back into supply and available to fight.

  1. Air/Naval Barrage segment (10.2, 10.3)

Air barrage against 4 Indian with 7 points. This gives me 1R due to being Short Range. Would have been nice to have the last point, but that one was out of Short Range.

Flak: 11/5, lose 1 step from second position (4.1a rules). Sucks, but isn't enough to cause a 1L column shift.

Barrage: use 5-7 column with 1R for Short Range, and 1R short 4 RE in stack resulting in 12-26 column, roll 9/5, this is `DG. Success!


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

All Italian units are now in supply.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves (5.7), destroy dumps (12.11).
  2. Non-phasing player barrage (all types, 10.0) and transport.

CW passes.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery barrage (10.1, no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

Big show, Ragg. BC on the attack! Actually, no, it turns out I have the hill turned around, and they would be attacking uphill. That's a nono. They need to pull back so that 7 Armor is attacking uphill.

To hell with it, Ragg. BC goes for teh gusto, a 3:1 attack after all the odds are computed, with -1 DRM. If the get lucky, 7 Armor will be on the run. If not, the game msy end a little sooner, and that's ok.

  • Surprise: 7 - 1 is 6, no surprise for either side.
  • Combat: roll 5 - 1, dang, Italians suck at their combat rolls, this is a AL1o1Do1. Attacker take a step loss and retreat. In this case, the Italians take a 1 hex retreat.

Exploitation phase

Exploitation mode is defined in Section 5.9, with Exploition Phase details defined in Section 11.0.

  1. Movement segment (6.0), overruns cost 3 MP (8.1a, 8.1e prohibits Exploitation result).
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

Nothing here.

Axis clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Allied player.

DG comes off.

Allies Turn

Brief summary of Allies goal this turn.

Sadly, a couple of the best Allied units are DG for now, so we'll use some time to bring up a load more supplies, and get positioned to do more supply cut off.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)



Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

  1. 2 SP at 39.03.
  2. 6 Aus at 37.01.


  1. Breakout segment
  2. Movement segment
  3. Air/Naval Barrage segment
  • 7 Armor fueled, O'Conner will overrun 28 ID and 202 MG. Hope won't roll snake eyes here… Jock will move after the overrun is resolved…odds are 4:11, which is 1:3 raw, with +3 morale shift, really banking on getting surprise here… roll 5 + 3 is 8, no surprise, roll 7 + 3 for AL1Do1. Bummer. Italians elect to retreat 1 hex.

Various truck movement to get supply moved up.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

All CW in Trace.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves, etc.
  2. Non-phasing player barrage

No reaction phase this turn.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery (no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

Barrage 2 Lib with 8 points in the hopes of getting a DG, roll 6 no effect.

Combat against 2 Lib, 16:6 raw, 3:1 nominal, surprise 7 + 2 for 9, no surprise, roll 10 + 2 on 3:1 clear for Ao1e4/DL1o1.

Exploitation phase

  1. Movement segment
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

Nothing here.

Allies clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Axis player.

Two DG markers coming off.

End of Turn 3

Not a super great turn for the Allies.

Game Turn 4, December 19, 1940

Briefly summarize the upcoming turn for both sides.

CW forces need to move faster to get these Italians cut off. The Italians will win this by just keeping the CW slowed down, run out the clock.

Pre-Turn Phase

  • Weather determination (2.3, probably on map)
  • First player determination, roll d6 highest has initiative, reroll for tie (2.3).

  • Weather: clear.
  • Initiative: CW.

Allies Turn 4

Brief summary of Axis goal this turn.

Main goal this turn is isolating Sidi el Barrani.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

No refit necessary.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

2 SP at 39.03.


  1. Breakout segment (12.8e) Check trace to friendly units in supply.
  1. Movement segment (6.0): 1/2 for DG (5.10), 1/4 for Reserve (5.7)
  1. Air/Naval Barrage segment (10.2, 10.3)
  • Jock overrun: 1-1 raw, surprise with +4 roll 8/1 for 1R, roll 6 + 4 net 10 for Ao1/DL1o1
  • 6 RTR and 8 Hus on 62 MG, surprise roll 11/6, raw 12:2 odds, net 6:1, shift to 13:1, roll 3 + 3 for net 6 for Ae3/DL102.
  • 6 Aus, green troops get defender surprise with 5 shift left, roll 6, AL1Do1, crap.

Now for supplies: Turns out I can move 3T per turn to a dump which is within 5 Truck MA from the HQ at 35.17.

That's it for movement.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

All in supply.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves (5.7), destroy dumps (12.11).
  2. Non-phasing player barrage (all types, 10.0) and transport.

No reaction from Italians this turn.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery barrage (10.1, no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

4th Indian, 7:1 against Saharan and unit, roll 9 + 1 for 10, Ae4/DL1o2, a good result for the Commonwealth.

Exploitation phase

Exploitation mode is defined in Section 5.9, with Exploition Phase details defined in Section 11.0.

  1. Movement segment (6.0), overruns cost 3 MP (8.1a, 8.1e prohibits Exploitation result).
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

Two units in Exploit mode:

  1. 4 Indian goes after Buq Buq, surprise roll 3 + 4, no surprise (darn), raw odds 12:2 with 2x for mech, 24:2, 12:1 roll 6 + 4 for 10 result is mucho pain for Italian, i.e., eliminated, let's see what happens to the supply dump. Roll 5 to capture 50% of dump.
  2. 8 Hus and 6 RTR move back to stay on supply.

Allies clean up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Allied player.

2 Ex markers to remove.

Here's what the game around Sidi el Barrani looks like:

DAK2 Operation Compass end of Commonwealth Turn

The Italians are really in for it now.

Axis Turn 4

Brief summary of Allies goal this turn.

As noted, the Italians are really in for it now. They're best hope it is to break through at Buq Buq to re-establish supply.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

Probably a good idea to refit the two tactical bombers, if they can put any stack of CW into DG, it will help slow down the demise.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

2 SP at Bardia.


  1. Breakout segment
  2. Movement segment
  3. Air/Naval Barrage segment

Not going to do breakout, as there is no way for me to get those units back in this game, just not worth it.

This leaves whatever movement I can manage.

First, LibOp takes a powder, or tries to, without looking like it's going to have too much success. There are just too many CW units between Sidi el Barrani and Bardia.

The next thing is moving the Ragg. BC and companion units north to protect Halfaya pass. There is a risk that the CW will attempt an end run, but they may be out of supply if they try it. It doesn't look like they thought far enough ahead to be able to do that without falling off the end of their supply line.

Air barrage put Jock out of action, again.

A barrage from Sidi el Barrani out Selby into DG, no threat from them this turn, maybe.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

Sadly for I; Duce's finest, it looks like they are all out of supply, they were unable to get ZOC negation to extend to the coastal road. Bummer for the nasty fascists.

As it turns out, 4 units remain, including two stacks which rolled snake eyes! With AR 1! Lucky dogs. Too bad they're completely surrounded.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves, etc.
  2. Non-phasing player barrage

CW needs no reaction for this phase.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery (no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

Italians don't really have any fight in them at right now. They'll save the few SPs left for some Big Moves at the end.

Exploitation phase

  1. Movement segment
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

Haha you're joking.

Axis clean up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Axis player.

Nothing to clean up, the DG unit attritted out.

End of Turn

{.turn-sequence} Briefly recap the turn for both sides.

Major malfunction for the Italians, they let some elite Commonwealth troops slip into the line and they exploited that breakthrough without mercy. Now they're probably cut off, unless they can sac up and get the initiative for the next turn.

Game Turn 5, December 22, 1940

Briefly summarize the upcoming turn for both sides.

In short, the Italians from Sidi el Barrani need to acquire the initiative, and even then, it won't do them any good if they can't move. The Commonwealth needs to somehow cut through or cut off the big knot of Italians clustered around Halfaya Pass. Easier said than done.

Pre-Turn Phase

  • Weather determination (2.3, probably on map)
  • First player determination, roll d6 highest has initiative, reroll for tie (2.3).

  • Clear weather.
  • Italians get the initiative, double turn.

Axis Turn

Brief summary of Axis goal this turn.

Try to DG Strafer Gott, otherwise stay in Egypt.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

Refit the tactical bombers for a run at Strafer Gott.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

2 SP at Bardia.


  1. Breakout segment (12.8e) Check trace to friendly units in supply.
  1. Movement segment (6.0): 1/2 for DG (5.10), 1/4 for Reserve (5.7)
  1. Air/Naval Barrage segment (10.2, 10.3)
  • LibOp is out of gas, can't go anywhere.
  • VEC and 62 MG move into Libya to cover the flanks, they have solid Trace here.
  • Ragg. BC spends 3T and moves up the hill to a better defensible position.

Air bombardment: flak roll 10, fail, barrage roll 10/3 which is DG but no step loss. Mission accomplished! Italians really flying.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

Attrition rolls for LibOp: Maletti is still hanging in there, out of gas. He's toast.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves (5.7), destroy dumps (12.11).
  2. Non-phasing player barrage (all types, 10.0) and transport.

No reaction for CW.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery barrage (10.1, no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

No combat, saving the SPs for now.

Exploitation phase

Exploitation mode is defined in Section 5.9, with Exploition Phase details defined in Section 11.0.

  1. Movement segment (6.0), overruns cost 3 MP (8.1a, 8.1e prohibits Exploitation result).
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

You're kidding, right?

Axis clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Allied player.

Nothing to clean up.

Allies Turn 5

Brief summary of Allies goal this turn.

Sadly, the air barrages have probably precluded the Allies winning Operation Compass this time around. However, there is a lot more that they can do, a lot of supply counting in any case.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

All air ready to fly.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

  • 4 Indian 4th and 5th Bgds are withdrawn.
  • 2 SP at 39.03.


  1. Breakout segment
  2. Movement segment
  3. Air/Naval Barrage segment
  • O'Conner attempts an overrun on 63 MG at 5:1, roll surprise 6 + 2 (AR)
  • 1 (Leader) results in surprise with shift 2R, leader loss roll 9, unharmed, roll 7 + 2 defender elminated.
  • 6 Aus moves up to negate supply EZOC from Ragg. BC.
  • More miscellaneous movement along the coast, hopefully put some pressure on Sollum next turn.

Air bombardment: try to DG Ragg. BC from the air base at Mersa Matruh, roll 10/3 on the 5-7 column for DG, success!


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

All CW forces are in supply.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves, etc.
  2. Non-phasing player barrage

Ragg. BC is Dg, so no reaction.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery (no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

CW passes on combat this turn.

Exploitation phase

  1. Movement segment
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment


Allies clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Axis player.

DG removed from Strafer Gott and Jock Campbell.

End of Turn 5

Looks like the Italians are going to hold out until 1941, unless the CW gets super aggressive and super lucky. In fact, by stacking a couple of divisions together, they may even be able to avoid complete attrition even in the case they get cut off from supply. Let's see what happens.

Game Turn 6, December 26, 1940

Briefly summarize the upcoming turn for both sides.

The CW is going to go for the gold and try to cut off the remaining Italians in Egypt. Don't see any way for them to win given this is the last turn, but it will be fun to try to cut the Italians off anyway.

All the Italians need do is sit tight, and consolidate to prevent complete attrition in case of being cut off.

Pre-Turn Phase

  • Weather determination (2.3, probably on map)
  • First player determination, roll d6 highest has initiative, reroll for tie (2.3).

  • Weather is clear.
  • Italians have the initiative.

Axis Turn

Brief summary of Axis goal this turn.

Consolidate, hold tight, barrage to get DG on CW troops.

Aircraft refit

Cost 1T to refit any air base regardless of level or number of aircraft (15.1B)

Refitting bombers for 2T.


Per scenario specification or reinforcement track.

2 SP at Bardia.


  1. Breakout segment (12.8e) Check trace to friendly units in supply.
  1. Movement segment (6.0): 1/2 for DG (5.10), 1/4 for Reserve (5.7)
  1. Air/Naval Barrage segment (10.2, 10.3)

Consolidate large divisions, move up 30 GAF to unleash huge barrage on Jock Campbell. Reinforce Sollum to prevent overrun.

  • Air barrage, roll 6 to fail flak, roll 6 to fail the barrage on O'Conner.

  • 30 GAF on Jock, roll 6 on 25-40 column, DG.

That's it for CW I believe.


This phase does:

  • Determine which units are in or out of Trace Supply (12.6)
  • Replenish low or exhausted internal stocks (12.10)

It does not deal with the "On Map" supply provided by "S" and "T" counters.

Maletti passes attrition! The Commonwealth should have engaged to attempt to get that AR 3 unit removed.

Reaction phase

  1. Non-phasing player releases Reserves (5.7), destroy dumps (12.11).
  2. Non-phasing player barrage (all types, 10.0) and transport.

No reaction from CW.

Combat phase

  1. Artillery barrage (10.1, no Air/Naval)
  2. Combat segment (9.0, artillery units strength [1] per 13.4b)

No combat, no need.

Exploitation phase

Exploitation mode is defined in Section 5.9, with Exploition Phase details defined in Section 11.0.

  1. Movement segment (6.0), overruns cost 3 MP (8.1a, 8.1e prohibits Exploitation result).
  2. Barrage segment
  3. Combat segment

Nothing here.

Axis clean Up phase

  • Remove DG and Exploitation markers.
  • Flip or remove Fueled markers.
  • Remove train-busting placed by Allied player.

Ragg. BC DG marker removed.

Allies Turn 6

Brief summary of Allies goal this turn.

I think at this point, I've had enough for now. I could spend the next couple of hours working out how the Allies could finish off the Italians in Egypt, but realistically it would take at least this turn and the next, and probably a following turn to attrit them all away. But it's Monday, and I need to get ready for the upcoming week, as well as get Case Blue 2d Kharkov ready to go for Friday at noon.

So this one is an Axis win.

End of Turn 6

Briefly recap the turn for both sides.

Recap will be handled in AAR below.


OCS is starting to come together for me. The game system is not intrinsically difficult, but there is just a lot of game here.

  • And just after I write this, I find I've been playing wrong: organic trucks can never unload into a dump. However, if I read it right, if they can get within 5 hex draw range of an HQ, the HQ can draw then throw to its range from there. In DAK2, this is interesting because it seems to imply it's pretty hard to move and fight in the same turn. Also, organic trucks can only be used to supply their own divisions. This puts a whole new spin on Operation Compass.

  • Also, I've forgotten to spend supply for defending on the CW last turn, maybe more. Will get that right on this turn.

  • I've also forgotten to apply armor doubling when applicable.

  • I did not use Allied air at all, in part because there are so many other moving parts to examine, and I wanted to finish this game in the time allotted for the holiday weekend. As it is, it went into the Monday after Christmas, basically a day longer than I wanted. (I was hoping to have it finished up early Christmas afternoon.)

  • Probably DG'ed some CW troops without having spotters on some of the air barrages by the Italians. Oops.
