Mareth Line from Tunisia II


Started Mareth Line scenario in OCS Tunisia II with CC. Our goal was to get through at least 2 turns, we made it through 3 turns.

This isn't a bad learning scenario for combat and barrage rules. As it's a siege, there isn't a lot of movement necessary for the Axis defenders, at least early on.

I did some stupid stuff to demonstrate how combat works and how overrun works, lost some good units and we left the game with 21 Pz reduced and exposed.


Picking up where we left off, we made it through the final 5 turns in about 8 hours. Here are some lessons I learned while playing the Axis:

  • Fueling whole divisions: don't do this when going second and not moving. I lost a whole SP fueling 15 Pz to put in Reserve for reaction, but as the second player, this was just a waste as I had no intention of moving it.

    • Check the sea cap reinforcement for supply, the scenario is ambiguous on this.

    • Does Allied air transport capacity in Tripoli imply Allies can fly in an extra 2 T per turn?

    • Seems to be key to use reserves to keep stack size a bit smaller in mareth line, with the reserves available to move into otherwise DG hexes for defending support.

    • I think the thing to do in this scenario is punch a hole in the line and encircle to cut off supply for Axis, as well as bomb the crap out of the port facilities to reduce incoming supply capacity.

    • On the Axis side, spening everything by the last turn allows using internal stores to finish the game.

Here's what it looked like at the end:

Tunisia II Mareth Line end of game

Good game.

Some light game to close out the evening

Zombie Dice, CC won with an 8 brain run. He liked it! Zombie Dice is almost as stupid as Pirateer, with the added benefit of being shorter.

Hive (XXVI), suggested by CC. I felt a bit ambivalent about this but agreed to play anyway. I took white and the win.
