Panzergruppe Guderian first play


I instigated a Vintage Day for the biweekly wargame meeting at EGO. We didn't have a good turnout, so I won't be instigating any other dedicated theme days for a while. Not that I don't like it, but I do know how much time it takes, and I don't want to put the energy into it.

In any case, 5 of us showed up: Me, CC, MW, AS and JL. A number of games were discussed, but we ended up with Winter War on the table with AS and JL, and Panzergruppe Guderian with MW as the Germans and CC and I as the Russians. CC mostly did the movement and fighting, while I managed the rules and the reinforcements.

I noticed during the set up for PG that I was having trouble picking up the rules. Since then I've seemed to have a very low tolerance for tearing into new rules, even for games I want to play. I'm not sure why this is. Possibly because I've played a fairly large number of new games over the last couple of years. Or that I have some challenging material at work, which is keeping my mind pre-occupied. Or maybe I'm just lame, who knows?

The game went fairly well, but we only had time to play through the first 6 turns, half the game. It looked a lot like the Germans were going to win. Those divisional panzer stacks are just brutal, and unless the Germans can keep them out of supply, they run rampant.

I've subsequently read that the game seems to initially favor the Germans, then favor the Russians, then balances out as players learn how best to manage the strengths and weaknesses of their various forces.

This is game I think I want to play quite a bit of in the future.
