Winter War First Play


At this point I have 3 different games set up and running concurrently. Probably not that smart, but my attention span is really short at the moment, and I don't feel like tearing in too deeply into the details of any one game. OCS Kasserine (from Tunisia) is definitely going to wait until I after next weekend's OCS game with several other newbies. France '40 I want to steep in over the next month as well, because at some point I'm going to be playing CC. It's his only wargame, so I suspect he's going to go pretty deep into it.

For this game, I may just set it up, play a turn or two, then tear it back down. We'll see. Fortunately, it's in a picture frame, so it will be easy to set it back up any time.

(Update May 14, 2015: I had to put this away for a few weeks. Having several new games underway at the same time doesn't work for me. I'm good with having one learning game and one game I already know the rules for underway at the same time, but not two or more learning games at the same time.)

Turn Sequence

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

Soviet Turn

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Finnish Turn

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. Finnish reinforcements are placed in Finnish cities which are under Finnish control (vice Russian control). See game map for details.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

Attack Segment

Finnish player is not obligated to attack any Soviet units (Combat CASE D).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Scenario Interphase (Optional)

See rules.

End of Turn

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player becomes phasing player.

Turn 1, November 30, 1939

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

Given this is the first play, and lacking any other notion of what to do, the Soviets will pound on the Mannerheim, and probe everywhere else on the map. If possible, the two armor units will attempt a grab at Oulu, given the Ladoga Line falls. The Finns, for this first game, are going to simply do what's necessary to deny the Soviets.

Here's the setup:

Winter War set up for Game 1

I didn't bother with the dummy counters, too inconvenient for this first solo game.

Soviet Turn 1

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

Since this is a first game, I'm just going to bang on the Mannerheim and Ladoga Lines to see what happens.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be place in-supply.

No reinforcements for the Soviets on Turn 1.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

All units are in supply, no need to move any units at this time.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

No Finnish units to retreat-before-combat this turn.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

No Russian units to advance-before-combat this turn.

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

All Soviet units in supply this turn.

Russians to attack

Here's a close up of the situation facing the Russians on Turn 1. Note the Russian units were placed before I fully understand how adjacency induces mandatory combat for Russian units, and before I understood stacking restrictions.

At the Mannerheim, one battle at 1:1, roll 1 yields Ae, not an auspicious start for the Russians.

At the Ladoga Line, the Russians have to have combat with 4 Finnish divisions, the 4, 12, 21 and 13. From north to south:

  1. Russian 56 and 75 take on the Finnish 12, 11: roll 3 yields NE, which is really a reprieve for the Russians in this case.
  2. Russian 18 and 92 against the Finnish 4, 1:1 odds roll 3 yields NE, another reprieve for the Russians, almost like a restart.
  3. The Russian 11th is going to take on the Finnish 21 and 13 according to the combined defense rule (Combat CASE K). This will be low odds for the Russian, 1:4 automatically eliminated.

Result: 1 Russian division and 1 Russian army elminated, no losses for the Finns.

Finnish Turn 1

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

The Finns are happy, for now, to sit in their defensive positions and let the Russians come to them.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be place in-supply.

No reinforcements first turn.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

All in supply, no need to move anything this turn.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

No units eligible

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

No retreat, hence no advance.

Attack Segment

Finnish player is not obligated to attack any Soviet units (Combat CASE D).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Finns choose prudence over valor, no need to attack, too risky.

Scenario Interphase (Optional)

See rules.

Playing basic scenario this game.

End of Turn 1

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

The Soviets need to change tactics, or they risk just getting chewed up the whole game with nothing to show for it.

Turn 2

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

Prognosticating, the Soviets will attempt to breach the Mannerheim and Ladoga Lines, the Finns will sit tight and hold those lines as best they can.

Soviet Turn 2

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

Being a first game, it's worth just pounding away at the Finnish lines to see what it takes to break them. I don't think there is any other way to get into Finland in any case.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be place in-supply.

No Soviet reinforcements Turn 2.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Keep moving up to the lines to pound away. Which means moving only a stack of 20-12-2 into the Mannerheim, everything stays put for now.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

No retreats.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

No advances.

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Four 1-1 attacks, two on Ladoga, two on Mannerheim:

  1. Ladoga 1, roll 1, Ae.
  2. Ladoga 2, roll 6, Dr(NE).
  3. Mannerheim 1, roll 5, Dr(NE).
  4. Mannerheim 2, roll 4 Ex.

1-1 odds are really bad for Soviets against the Lines, being only 1/6 chance of any effect at all, which is to roll a 4 for Ex.

This is an odd game. I don't see that the Finns need to do anything yet.

Finnish Turn 2

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

Hold the line!

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

Finns get a load of reinforcements on Turn 2. The heavy units move to the Mannerheim Line, some ski units to Petsamo, light infantry reserves in Helsinki and Oulu, will rail to where needed.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Everything is in supply.

Because ZOCs from Soviet forces do not extend into Fortification hexes occupied (or last occupied) by Finnish units (Zones of Control, CASE G), the Finns are going to force some really bad combat on the Soviet 2012-12-2 unit on the Mannerheim Line, by moving the 6-6-2 to reduce attacker odds. This puts the odds such that the Soviets cannot inflict losses on the Finns on the Mannerheim Line next turn.

If the Soviets ever break through here, it could go really bad for the Finns.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

No retreats.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

No advances.

Attack Segment

Finnish player is not obligated to attack any Soviet units (Combat CASE D).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Finns choose not to attack this turn.

Scenario Interphase (Optional)

See rules.

No interphase this game.

End of Turn 2

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

Turn 3

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

So far, the Soviet decision to pound on Finnish defensive lines is looking rather ill-advised. Losses are running 4:1 in favor of the Finns, but the Soviets are losing whole armies to Finnish divisions. Not good for the Soviets.

Soviet Turn 3

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

This turn, the Soviets are going to rethink what they're doing. They are lucky the Finns didn't just go grab Murmansk, because it's undefended right now. It requires a mandatory defense starting very shortly, which will go in on this turn in any case. Then probably an advance on Petsamo, just to feel good about something.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

Reinforcements are in, with 7 units earmarked for Petsamo, and the 3rd Army occupying Leningrad, which, as it turns out, would have otherwise been dangerously exposed.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Mostly rail to Petsamo to ensure the Finns don't trespass and capture it unopposed. That would just be stupid. Since the rail movement costs nothing, a couple of infantry regiments start the slog across river and swamp to flank Petsamo in the north. The Finns don't have much strength up there.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

Nothing to retreat.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

No advances.

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Once again, a mandatory attack, on the Ladoga Line, roll 1, Ae. That's not good, two Russian divisions destroyed. At the south end, roll 3, Ne. Ok, the lines cannot be breached. What else can be done?

Finnish Turn 3

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

So far, the Finns don't really need to do anything at all, just keep the Mannerheim Line provisioned and the let the 1/6 chance of an exchange reduce the Finnish forces.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. Finnish reinforcements are placed in Finnish cities which are under Finnish control (vice Russian control). See game map for details.

Reinforcements to Petsamo. The Soviets are going to have a very hard taking this, as the Finns will simply pour units into the breach to low them down.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

A couple of infantry battalions to the north end of the Ladoga to slow down any Soviet infiltration.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

No need to attack. The die and CRT are adequate for now.

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

No retreat.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

No advance.

Attack Segment

Finnish player is not obligated to attack any Soviet units (Combat CASE D).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

No need.

Scenario Interphase (Optional)

See rules.

Standard scenario.

End of Turn 3

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

Turn 4

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

Soviet Turn 4

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

The Soviets have now lost too many front line units to breach either defensive line, almost surely. The best they will be able to do is slug it out for Petsamo, and ensure the Finns don't get into the Soviet rear areas. This means putting garrisons along the rail line, as the Finns can reinforce within striking distance from the border.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

Reinforcements mostly placeed up north.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Garrison cities along the rail to Petsamo, advance to engage north of Ladoga Line, continue to advance towards Petsamo.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.


Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).


Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

  • South end of Ladoga, 1:1 roll 5 for Ne.

  • North end of Ladoga, 2:1 roll 3 for Ex, Soviets lose one unit, Finns lose both. (Finnish blunder: 1-1-3 units should have retreated before combat here.)

Finnish Turn 4

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

The Finns now need to make some harder choices, as the Soviets are just driving around the north end of the Ladoga Line. They won't really get anywhere for victory points, but they may be able to put some pressure on the back off of the Mannerheim near the end of the game. Hence, it bears a bit of scrutiny from the Finns to evaluate the best course of action now that the Russians are in-country. Probably the easiest thing to do is try to force the Soviets out of supply.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. Finnish reinforcements are placed in Finnish cities which are under Finnish control (vice Russian control). See game map for details.

No reinforcements this turn.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Ski troops rail in from Oulu to block Soviet advance. This time, they will retreat before combat.

Forces at Petsamo rearranged for better defense.

Smaller units stacked on to both lines to strengthen defenses.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.


Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).


Attack Segment

Finnish player is not obligated to attack any Soviet units (Combat CASE D).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

No combat initiated by Finns this turn.

End of Turn 4

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

Here's the situation at the end of Turn 4:

End of Turn 4

What an odd little game. I can see there is some really tough decision making on both sides, given the Soviets retain enough combat strength to accomplish anything.

Turn 5

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

This game is starting to annoy me. I want to just finish it out, but I'm not even half doe with it yet, and I'm not convinced the Soviets have any chance at all of winning, or even achieving a draw. Writing up these situation summaries at the beginning of each turn isn't helping my mood either. The actual game play seems to be taking much less time than the writing.

However, I'm convinced that plowing through these summaries and making the effort to write everything out as I've been doing pays back with much deeper understanding of both the rules and the tactical situation. Expending this effort now makes all future games much more enjoyable.

Soviet Turn 5

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

In the north, advance to engage at Petsamo. At Ladoga, continue to flank. At the Mannerheim, continue to build forces for later game reinforcements.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

No reinforcements this turn.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

As noted in summary, advance to engage in at Petsamo, continue to flank at Ladoga, move HQ to provide supply.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

The Finnish Ski platoon (3 squads) retreats in front of Soviet infantry and armor regiments.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

Russian infantry and armor regiments advance, cannot conduct combat.

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Four at Petsamo:

  1. 2:1 roll 6 De
  2. 1:1 roll 2 Ar
  3. 1:1 roll 1 Ae
  4. 1:1 roll 1 Ae

And that's pretty much the end of that for the Soviets. Some pretty shitty rolling if ask me. The Finnish units are strong in defense, the Russians weak. The remaining unit in this position is facing 6:1 for automatic De.

Finnish Turn 5

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

The Finns can actually do some low-risk counter attacking this turn.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. Finnish reinforcements are placed in Finnish cities which are under Finnish control (vice Russian control). See game map for details.

No reinforcements.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Move some 1-1-3 units to attack lead flanking Soviets north of Ladago. Worst case here is an exchange, but the Soviets have more attack strength, so it works out even then.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

No retreats.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

No advances.

Attack Segment

Finnish player is not obligated to attack any Soviet units (Combat CASE D).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

  • Petsamo: 5:1 roll 2 De.
  • West of Ladoga: 2:1 roll 4 yields Dr.

Nice work for the Finns.

End of Turn 5

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

Once again, the Finns brutalize the Soviet invaders. But the game is half done, which is becoming a relief. Perhaps it will be more interesting once the Soviets get a load more reinforcements and the Gulf of Finland ices up.

Since the Soviets lost 3 units at Murmansk, we need to start scoring now.

Score: -10 (only 4 Soviet units at Murmansk)

Turn 6

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

First priority for the Soviets is getting 3 more units to Murmansk to stop losing VPs. Otherwise, build strength at Leningrad. The Finns need do little more than sit tight.

Soviet Turn 6

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

Soviets need to reinforce Murmansk right off.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

Soviets get an 8-3-2 artillery unit, which is placed at Petsamo.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Technically, the Soviet forces north of Ladago are out of supply, but I'm not going to deal with that this turn. What I am doing is moving the HQs to get them back into supply. Also, I have HQ units sitting in supply cities for units in Kem and Kandalashka, and that's not strictly necessary. Units in a supply city are always in supply (Supply and Isolation, CASE F.1).

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

Finnish Ski squad retreats.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

Choose not to advance.

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

No combat this turn.

Finnish Turn 6

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. Finnish reinforcements are placed in Finnish cities which are under Finnish control (vice Russian control). See game map for details.

4-4-2 infantry division deployed to Kandalashka, put some pressure on the Soviets by threatening the rail line to Leningrad.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Units west of Ladoga move east to prevent flanking. Move Skis to block Soviet advances at Petsamo.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

No combat this turn.

End of Turn 6

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

Turn 7

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

The Soviets are going to dither this turn, as no reinforcements will arrive, and hope next turn's reinforcements inspire better play. The Finns can start getting more aggressive.

Soviet Turn 7

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

Continue to move HQs for supply, preserve as much strength as possible to leverage next turn's reinforcements.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.


Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Moving Ladoga units east to preserve supply and preempt a behind-the-lines raid.

Reinforce Kandalashka, again to reduce risk of preemptive raid. Four 2-1-2 units with HQ ensures 1:2 attacker odds, should be safe.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Attacking Ski at Petsamo with artillery. ##### Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

Ski unit retreats.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

Artillery advances.

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

No attack allowed for advance-before-combat. No other combat.

Finnish Turn 7

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

Hold the lines!

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. Finnish reinforcements are placed in Finnish cities which are under Finnish control (vice Russian control). See game map for details.


Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Adjust forces at Petsamo to allow for retreats. Rearrange at Mannerhein to allow for retreats as well, and preserve some combat strength on the off chance the line cracks.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

No combat this turn for Finns.

End of Turn 7

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

Score: -10.

Turn 8

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

The Soviets get big reinforcements for the next three turns, and that could well change the game, dice permitting. It will likely require more response from the Finns than just turtling up.

Soviet Turn 8

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

This is the best shot for the Mannerheim line, with one set of odds at 2:1 giving a 50% chance of Ex result, which will have to do.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

20-12-2 and 8-3-2 units enter play.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

All big units to Mannerheim!

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

At Persamo, once again blocked by Ski units. At Mannerheim, huge attack!

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.

Ski units retreat.

Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).

Soviet units will advance after Ski units, which puts them into a combat situation next turn unless Finns retreat from Petsamo (unlikely). Finnish reinforcements will bolster Petsamo though, making more sad Soviets.

Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

Mannerheim, northeast to southwest:

  1. 1:1 roll 5 for Ne.
  2. 2:1 roll 5 for Ex, which cost the Soviets 20 attack strength to the Finns loss of 6.
  3. 1:1 roll 2 for Ar, I'm good with that.
  4. 1:2 roll 5 for Ne, finally, something in the Soviet's favor.

I think the Soviets have a chance at cracking the ML. Next game, don't attack ML until 5 20-12-2 armies are available, which would be Turn 4. Anyway, as a result of this combat, there is now a hole in the ML, and not enough Finnish 6-6-2 units to fill it.

Finnish Turn 8

Briefly summarize the situation for the Finnish player.

The Finns might just be a spot of bother here. They do have a good chance of driving the Soviets away from Petsamo, but also could roll badly and lose Petsamo. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. Finnish reinforcements are placed in Finnish cities which are under Finnish control (vice Russian control). See game map for details.

  • Swedes Brigade deploy to Petsamo, adds another DF.
  • 1 Cav Brigade and 64 IR deploy north of ML, just in case there is a breakthrough.

Movement Phase

Finnish player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Finns have to decide whether they want to cede Petsamo, or fight for it. Actually, they have to fight as the units in Petsamo are locked in by Soviet ZOC. This isn't too bad as the Swedish brigade ups the AF to get 2:1 odds, so, worth the risk. The Ski unit there is going to bail however, because it can ignore ZOCs. The units southwest of Petsamo can choose to leave, or attack at 1:2.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.


Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).


Attack Segment

Finnish player is not obligated to attack any Soviet units (Combat CASE D).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

  • Petsamo proper, 2:1 roll 6 for De, and why-am-I-not-surprised by good rolls from Finns.
  • SW of Petsamo, 1:2 roll 2, Ae. Actually, this was a blunder, the Finns are never obligated to attack. While these units may well be eliminated next by Soviet attack, they may not have been and there would have been a better chance for hurting the attacker, as well as slowing down the Soviet player.

End of Turn 8

Advance the turn marker along the turn track, Soviet player become phasing player.

Score: -20 (Soviets with 5 units at Murmansk)

Turn 9

Briefly summarize the situation for both players.

The Soviets may be able to do more damage on the ML, so they're going to continue to pound on that. As well, another last-ditch effort to acquire Petsamo will be attempted. And units need to be deployed to Murmansk in any case to stanch the VP losses.

The Finns may need to go on the offensive here.

Soviet Turn 9

Briefly summarize the situation for the Soviet player.

Going for broke at both Petsamo and ML. Bad rolls on this turn, the Soviets might as well pack up. Good rolls, possibly draw.

Reinforcement Phase

Acquire reinforcements from the schedule on the map. All reinforcements must be placed in-supply.

Reinforcements placed to move into attack on ML and rail to Murmansk.

Movement Phase

Soviet player moves unit subject to movement factors, terrain, Zone of Control and Supply Status.

Check for supply status for each unit moving.

Get the reinforcements up to the ML, move enough units to Murmansk to take another crack at Petsamo.

Combat Phase

Combat has the following three segments:

Exciting! This might be the game at Petsamo and Mannerheim.

Retreat-Before-Combat Segment

Non-phasing player may retreat certain units; retreated units do not contribute any defense strength to the hex they have retreated into (Combat CASE A). Only 0-0-3 and 1-1-3 may retreat before combat, subject to location on map. Soviet HQ may retreat before combat in any location. See other limitations in rules.


Advance-Before-Combat Segment

Any one unit previously adjacent to a retreated-before-combat unit may advance one hex (Combat CASE B).


Attack Segment

Soviet player is obligated to attack all Finnish units to which he has a unit adjacent, unless 1. unit is isolated, unit advanced before combat or is a HQ unit (Combat CASE E).

Check supply status for each unit attacking and defending (Supply CASEs B, C, D).

  1. Petsamo from the south, 2:1 roll 4 yields Dr which require the Petsamo defenders to retreat either into Norway, or through a ZOC. According to rules, however, defending strength is double in cities, so this is 1:1 for an Ex result, which probably serves the Soviets better, except they just lost several more units which reduced the score even more.

Mannerheimi, northeast to southwest:

  1. 2:1 roll 4 yields Ne
  2. 2:1 roll 5 yields Ex
  3. 2:1 roll 3 yields Ex

These Ex results worked as the Finns didn't have smaller hence, the big 20-12-2 units weren't eliminated, only the 6-4-2 units.

I'm calling the game here, as there is no way for the Soviets to advance into Finland to acquire the +25 VPs at Viipuri, they need two turns. The Soviets would probably hold Petsamo, but are again penalized -10 for lack of units at Murmansk at the end of this turn. We'll call it a Finnish victory at -5.

Here's what the end of the Soviet Phase Turn 9 looks like:

End of Turn 9, Soviet Phase, game conceded to

The situation at Petrozadovsk is interesting, but I never really figured out what to do with it. From this first play, the whole Ladoga Line feels like a bit of sideshow.


It probably would have behooved the Soviets to deploy some forces to threaten Oulu. These likely would be out of the rest of the game, but such forces would tie up the Finns in the middle of nowhere, reducing their effectiveness in Petsame and on the Lines.


  • The biggest blunder I think was in game play rather than rules misinterpretation. Namely, the Soviets should have waited to attack the Mannerheim line until they had enough reinforcement armies to allow at least one 2:1 attack on the Line. 1:1 attacks are just too risky. The Finns still have one more 6-6-2 they can move into the breach as there is no advance after combat, but even one more lucky 2:1 gets the Soviets into the Mannerheim. Waiting until Turn 4 would get 5 20-12-2 up to the Mannerheim, which would allow at least one and possibly 2 2:1 odds attacks, each of which has 50% chance of success.

  • Forgetting to retreat before combat at the first and sensible opportunity.

  • Not moving Soviet HQ units around to ensure supply. For the first 4 turns, I just used trace supply.

  • Defending strength is doubled in home cities.

There are probably more, but this is fairly small game, with a short rule book, so I'm feeling pretty good about understanding the rules.


From BGG:

S&T #33 Winter War (Errata as of 31 May 73, from Moves #9)



Note: If the Finns occupy Leningrad they score an immediate automatic victory as Finnish occupation of Leningrad isolates all Soviet units and prevents the introduction of any Soviet reinforcements


Under Finnish Game-Turn #8, the Finnish quota for 2-2-3 cavalry brigades should be one (1) instead of two (2).

On Finnish Game-Turn #8 there should be included a 2-2-3 regiment.


There is one extra Finnish 1-1-3 infantry Battalion that is not to be used in the game.

There is one extra Russian 20-12-2 infantry Corps that is not to be used in the game. </blockquote>
