Boys of '67


Al S and I are going to play through the Snoopy's Nose scenario in the Vietnam Battles issue of Modern War. This game uses the "Fire and Movement" system common to several other games in the Decision Games portfolio.

Before then, I'd like to get a grip on how fire and movement actually work in this game, hence, setting up the learning scenario "Boys of '67" for a fast solitaire play through.

Setting it up

Boys of '67 set up

Turn 1

US moves to surround VC and attack:

Combat Turn 1 US attacks

Combat, US attacks 514/1:

US total: 16 VC total: 10

Delta +6, roll 4, no effect. (This was a blunder, I read from the +5 column. The result should have been an exchange.)

The VC moves to escape:

VC move

Fire support for VC attack shown above.

The VC have 3 options for attacking here:

  1. Both 514/1 and 514/2 attack Cav 5/3, with best delta of +2 after fire support factored in and countered.

  2. Either 514/1 or 514/2 attack Cav 5/3, best delta in this case is -1, which is almost certain elimination as there is no EZOC-free retreat for VC.

  3. Do nothing, which reduces risk of an attacker loss, but loses opportunity to inflict at least some damage.

VC choose Option 1.

Delta +2, roll 2, Ex(change), step loss for 514/2 and Cav 5/3.

Turn 2

The idea here is to not let the 514/1 get away while finishing off the 512/2. Cav 5/3 is out of the action for the moment.

Bombardment won't have any effect by itself due to counterbattery augmenting the 514/2's defense strength.

This leaves 4/47 B and C companies to attack.

The delta is +5, roll 4, no effect, same as last.

VC move

Note: The monitor, for reasons unknown, did not fire, otherwise this would have been an Exchange result in the +6 column. It pays to pay attention.

The VC decide to keep running. No profit in this fight.

VC move

We're half done.

Turn 3

The "game" is half over, and there are still VC on the map. The US needs to get busy.

VC move


US needs +8 minimum for best results.

  • Monitor: 1
  • 3/47 A: 2
  • 3/47 B: 2
  • 4/47 B: 3
  • 4/47 C: 3
  • FS: 12
  • Total: 23

VC defends with:

  • 514/2: 4
  • FS: 11
  • Total: 15

Delta: +8, roll 2, D2, 514/2 eliminated, no retreat through EZOC.

514/1 continues moving east.

Turn 4

US nearly surrounds 514/1.

Bombard to use up counterbattery, has no other effect. US fields 5 + 5 bombardment, 514/1 counters with 5 + 2. This removes the +5 counterbattery from the VC arsenal for this turn, providing 1 less delta for defensive fire support.

Here's the situation with bombardment counters shown, and the VC in position after Turn 3:

VC move


US attacks with:

  • Monitor: 1
  • 3/47 A: 2
  • 3/47 B: 2
  • 3/47 C: 2
  • 4/47 B: 3
  • 4/47 C: 3
  • FS: 12
  • Total: 25

VC defends with:

  • 514/1: 5
  • FS: 10
  • Total: 14

Delta: +11 for US.

The odds are 50% retreat with D2 or D3 which would be a US win, or an Ex(change), which would result in a draw.

Roll 5, Exchange, VC moves to 0820, and it's draw.


Ok, that was interesting. Definitely a bit different from other combat resolutions I've played. The results most closely resemble the low combat factors and hard-to-kill results from Central America.

Not clear on the Bombardment system. Feels a bit contrived. But I don't really care overmuch as long as the scenarios are mostly balanced in the end.
