Final Frontier Turn 15


Cranked out 5 turns of The Final Frontier last night, putting me through the end of Turn 15. Notable events include Chartreuse getting that Colony 4 emplaced on Mars ahead of Magenta, and eliminating another of Magenta's mines in the ensuing Random Events roll. In response to this, Magenta spent all saved build points populating the Asteroid Belt with more mines, got a mine placed on Europa, and will emplace a Colony 2 on Europa on Turn 16. This should help reduce the GNP disparity Magenta has been suffering from, as Chartreuse has to play catch-up on the Jovian.

It seems to be allowed in the rules to move mines after being replace by colonies, provided the appropriate build points for transport are paid. There might be a good house rule here charging 1 BP to decommission a mine, and another BP to recommission it.

Here's the state of the Solar System:


  • Income: Mercury 2 x 5 + Moon 2 x 4 + Mars 3 x 5 + Mines 5 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 50
  • GNP: 115 + 50 = 165
  • NI: 5
  • BP: 11 + 1
  • Spend: M1 Mars 2 BP and launch 1 BP; M1 Earth and launch 2 + 1 BP; activate M1 0525 2 BP = 8 BP, 4 BP carry over.

Deep space: M1 to 0525, M1 from Mars to 0423.


  • Income: Mercury 2 x 5 + Moon 2 x 4 + Mars 2 x 5 + Mines 5 + 1 + 2 + 1
  • 5 = 47
  • GNP: 100 + 47 = 147
  • NI: 5
  • BP: 9
  • Spend: Activate 0323 2 BP; build C2 Earth and launch 4 + 1 BP; 7 BP spent, 2 carry over.

Deep space: M1 to Europa, C2 to 0422.


  • Chartreuse: Mercury C2, Moon C2, Mars C4, Active M1 on 0123, 0222, 0322, 0525, 0526, M1 deep space to Europa 0422.
  • Magenta: Mercury C2, Moon C2, Mars C3, Europa M1, active M1 on 0123, 0222, 0323, 0524, 0525, 0526; C2 deep space to Europa on 0422.

Summary: Magenta's intended strategy of moving up the NI chart is being confounded by Chartreuse's ability to outbuild and dice luck. Hence, Magenta switching to building a lot more to generate revenue, and protect against the loss of a mine given another unlucky espionage event.
