Situation 12, first play


Game with Al S. as Russians, myself as Germans.

Germans deployed mines across Board 2 to disrupt lines of transportation, then positioned the heavy artillery on Board 1 in deep cover. Three command posts make spotting fairly easy, and the big field guns were able to combine fire to destroy Russian infantry.

The Russians bunched up on the north edge of Board 3, and were unable to make any serious penetration onto Board 2 until after the half way mark in the game.

German win.

After Action Report

Probably should have put the command post truck along the Bednost road instead of behind Hill 132. This would let me put the artillery into action 1 turn earlier. Maybe even have 1 or 2 cps deployed at beginning of game instead of being loaded on trucks.

I deployed mines at the bridge on the road between Golid and Bednost. This was probably a bad idea as it limits my ability to move units (e.g., command posts) north to south.

Situation #12 handicapping and balance

Situation #12 is one of the few where the Russians really have a hard way to go. Some ways to better balance the scenario include:

  • decrease the number of mines and blocks for the Germans.
  • decrease the number of Wespe and Hummel available to the Germans.
  • Increase the game length by 2 or even 5 turns.
  • allow each command post to call fire for only one unit per turn.
